Handbook on End Mills and End Mill Geometry by Jeff Toycen

Handbook on Twist Drills written by Jeff Toycen

SKU CM-BEM Category

$ 25 (USD)

  • CAD: $ 34

This book contains general information about end mills and basic information
on sharpening, and use of these tools. We also provide basic information about
grinding wheels and tool coatings which are becoming more sophisticated as
materials and processes evolve.

Keeping set up and run maintenance down time to a minimum is good, but
destroying and throwing out good tools is a waste of money. Production job
shops seldom effectively use regrinds because of some legacy issues” Part
cycle time and pressure to keep things moving always steal the show. Carbide
tools will run many useful cycles depending on the tool and how they are used.
HSS and Carbide each present unique regrind opportunities. The Cuttermaster
Professional has been designed to meet the demands presented by the use of
advanced materials and geometries.

End mills are one of the most overused tools in the machine shop. In an industry
where part cycle time is perceived as the defining measure of success or
failure on a job, this tool is commonly run until the material has failed. Fact is
in today’s world where carbide is prevalent new rules apply.
As the Story goes there’s no such thing as a sharp piece of carbide. Or at least,
nothing that will stay sharp after more than one or two revs in the
machine. Carbide is brittle. It’s powdered metal, ferchrissakes. And if you grind
it razor sharp, the edges will fail and propagate micro fractures into the flute.
This includes the corners (reason we invented on corner radius hand hone).
The only good edge on a carbide cutting tool (and on any tool, actually; but
carbide is most sensitive), is an edge that’s honed or polished slightly – predulled,
so that it doesn’t have any sharp corners or fragile edges.

If you regrind a tool be mindful of the original geometry, edge prep and tool symmetry.
Even the hardest materials fail when subjected to high stresses.
Finally; in-house sharpening and tool modification capability is a major competitive
improvement for any shop. To cut an order for a $5 sharpening job is a
loosing proposition, v.s. if the machinist can sharpen his or her own tool on
spec, then the project is under the control of the operator. This was not possible
until machines evolved to a point where anyone in the shop can grind a perfect
tool without years of tool grinding experience.

The Cuttemaster Professional Tool Room Series is designed to be used on the
shop floor or by tool room staff with little training or other investment.
We thank everyone who has contributed material directly or indirectly to this
project. It is our intention to have a positive impact on the bottom line.
This material may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express
written consent of the author.

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 24 × 24 × 5 cm


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